EGI-LifeWatch meeting

The EGI-LifeWatch meeting was organized by the Competence Center in the Instituto de Física de Cantabria in Santander between the 2nd and 4th of September 2015. During the meeting the progress of the ESFRI construction was analyzed, the next actions were discussed and the following topics were specifically addressed: 1) Pattern recognition tools for Citizen Science, 2) Data flow handling, from the instrumentation to the repositories, 3) Use of R-tools, 4) Workflows: Galaxy and TRUFA.

The LifewatchGreece Project Coordinator, Dr Christos Arvanitidis, presented The R Virtual Laboratory (R vLab) and Mrs Emmanouela Panteri from HCMR also presented the MicroCT Virtual Laboratory (MicroCT vLab). The R vLab and the MicroCT are primary components of the LifewatchGreece Infrastructure, which are currently under development within the context of the LifeWatch ESFRI Project.

Presentations available here:
Micro-CT presentation
R-vLab presentation

Minutes available here:
EGI Santander Minutes