R Hackathon

The report of the "R for LifeWatchers workshop" is available here.

Announcing the R for LifeWatchers Hands-on Tutorial

The aim of this Hands-on tutorial is to bring people involved in the development of the "R virtual lab" part of the LifeWatch ESFRI project, together with leading experts in R. This will aid in the implementation of an optimized (with respect to computational speed-up) R online environment, which will be hosted at the LifeWatch website and will be readily available for all users to perform their analyses.

Dates: 29/07-01/08.

Venue Location: Hellenic Center Marine Research, Crete, Greece

Funding: LifeWatch Greece (http://www.lifewatchgreece.eu/).

Local organizers: Dr. Anastasis Oulas (oulas@hcmr.gr), Dr Evangelos Pafilis(pafilis@hcmr.gr), Dr Christos Arvanitidis (arvanitidis@hcmr.gr)

In collaboration with:
Dr. Theodore Patkos - ICS-FORTH (patkos@ics.forth.gr)
Mr. Nikos Pattakos - IMBBC-HCMR (pattakosn@hcmr.gr)

Program: To be announced

Scientific Area Participants
Statistical Analysis Edward Vanden Berghe evberghe@gmail.com, Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

Statistical Analysis

Antonio Fernandez-Guerra (afernand@mpi-bremen.de, Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Bremen)

Sequence Analysis and Workshop management

Anastasis Oulas (oulas@hcmr.gr , HCMR)

C and Fortran programming

Nikos Pattakos (pattakosn@hcmr.gr, HCMR)

R parallelization and optimization

Theodore Patkos (patkos@ics.forth.gr, ICS-FORTH).

Kostas Barsos (ICS-FORTH)

Workshop management and consulting

Evangelos Pafilis (pafilis@hmcr.gr , HCMR)

Christos Arvanitidis (arvanitidis@hcmr.gr, HCMR)